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The News

2011 - 2012

Good Morning Parents,
Big night for our young men and program.  Should be fun.  Thanks to Gwen Brandon and all the mothers who helped with the team dinner(s).
Match tonight is at six.  Wrestlers should report at 4:15 to my classroom.
As of January 1 all wrestlers get a 2 pound allowance on the weight classes they have already made scratch weight.
We will have a booster meeting on Monday January 9th at the Brookshire at 6 PM to plan for the Mooney (Jan 21).  This is one of the biggest events that we run each year and need everyone to help.  It is also the 50th annual tournament (the longest running nationally, that I know of).  Please send a family rep to this meeting. 
JV will wrestle at New Lothrop Friday afternoon (4:30), Coach Armour will drive my truck out after 3 PM.  JV will weigh in tomorrow after practice.
Saturday the Varsity will travel to Bendle for a duals tournament.  Bus is at 7:15, Wrestling starts at 9 AM.
Coach Weber


Dear Parents,
Hope you had a great holiday spent with family and friends.  2012 is upon us with great memories to be had.  I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of the new year and cannot wait to get back to work on Wednesday.  As of this email we have 13 days until WE BEAT PORTLAND.
I expect all wrestlers to be at practice unless otherwise communicated beforehand.
Practice schedule below.
12-28 Practice 9- 12 noon
12-29 Practice 9- 12 noon w/ Bloom & Armour OR Haslett clinc with Coach Mills (NEED TO KNOW BY THE END of WEDS)
Already confirmed: Farris, Maki x2, Fleming x2
Details: $28, Subway lunch included plus Mills wrestling DVD for each wrestler. Two sessions 9:00-11:30 and 12:30 to 3.  Weber will attend and can drive up to 7, may need an extra driver.  I will bring water and gatorade.  We may even stop for a taco bell treat.
Please send confirmation to Mychal Grenawalt at, he has details on who to make the check out to.
12-30 Practice 9 AM to Noon
Coach Weber will be driving to Goodrich following practice to scout future opponents, if any wrestler is intetrested to check out the Tournament of Champions they may ride along, they need to be ready to leave following practice and are resposible for admission and any food needs that day/evening.  Up to seven may ride!  A great opportunity to see what lies ahead!
Dec 31 & Jan 1 OFF 
Jan 2 Double session 9 AM to Noon, 3 to 5:30
Jan 3 Classes resume, normal practice, weigh in at 5, team meal at Brandons?, youth practice 6-8 (MOONEY 17 days away!)
JAN 4 BEAT PORTLAND 6 PM, need one person to run the clock (Brian Farris?), no tappers needed.  Spread the word, first 100 students will receive a WILLIAMSTON WRESTLING ROWDY T-Shirt for this big event.
Thank you so much for all of your hard work and dedication to our program in 2011, and look forward to what 2012 will bring us.
Coach Weber

Good Morning Parents,
What a great night!  From top to bottom every guy wrestled with some fire and we earned the benefit with two great wins.  We are in a great spot heading into the second half of the season to accomplish some great goals!
Rest of the year schedule is HERE.  I will communicate JV trip with wrestlers today so we know who is going.
Friday -
We will start setting up after weigh in on Friday at 5.
I believe the boys will want to eat following weigh in, if we could get a pasta dinner setup, that would be much appreciated.
Williamston Wrestling is known for hosting well-run tournaments and it is a credit to our parents and volunteers for the tireless effort to keep this going!
Friday we need a crew of dads to help Todd Demand setup the head table around 5 PM.
We will need someone to pickup SPAGS pizza on Friday around 5:45 for the seeding meeting.  We will also need an assortment of water and pop.
I am sure Michelle Diamond has the concessions setup for Friday and Saturday.
We will only setup tables in the new hallway.   The boys will work on getting these setup after mats are put down.
Saturday -
I will most likely be in the building by 7 AM.  We are going light on concessions so I am guessing any time after 7 AM is good for people to start showing up.
Stacey Murray gave me a list of workers, we will need help throughout the day.  Should you need a crash course in working a table, I will give an orientation at 8 AM.  We keep you fed and plenty drinks and you get the best seat in the house!
We would appreciate help from any MS or siblings of wrestlers to assist at the tables tapping or running bout cards.  I do know several MS wrestlers are already in for the weekend.
All Wrestlers should be at the HS at 7:30 Saturday, all wrestlers will get 5 matches.
Thanks in advance for all the hard work that will be put in over the weekend.
Yours in Hornet Wrestling, Coach Weber

Good Morning Parents,
We had a good showing this weekend at Vicksburg & Corunna.  We need to finish strong this week for a solid push come January. 
We are away Wednesday at Dansville and both squads home for our ICL tournament.  Please let Stacey Murray or Mika Hulliberger if you can assist with table help and Michelle Diamond for concessions.  We will need plenty of help throughout the day.
We have a larger than usual list on the eligibility scene.  Some wrestlers will go straight to homework lab this week and then come to practice at 4 PM and end at 6 PM.
Yours in Hornet Wrestling, Coach Weber

Three Rivers called today and had three teams cancel on them today.  So, Three Rivers called around and we will be joining the tournament at Vicksburg. 
Dual format.  Not sure details as of yet.  I should be getting an email from Three Rivers tonight with more information.  We will travel as planned.
I will check my email before I leave school tonight after little kid practice at 8 PM, if not expect an email in the AM.
Have a great evening!

Good Morning parents,
Bright spots last night, we reinforce to the boys it's not where you start it is where you finish.  Plenty of areas to improve on for all.  That was a great early test.
Varsity - Three Rivers Super Duals
Noon - Leave for Three Rivers ( Drivers: Weber, Demand, Johnson)
3 PM Practice at TR, 5:30 weigh In
Staying at   America's Best Value Inn and Suites, Three Rivers 269-273-8100
Wrestling begins at 9 AM
Munk, Schmidt, Ja. Fleming, (Carter), Risch, Diamond, Austin, Duncan, Demand, Risdon, Brandon, Hanysak, Maki
No cost to varsity travelers
Teams: Mendon, Coldwater, Coloma, Three Rivers, Williamston (4 matches, we get the bye in round 5 to depart)
JV - Corunna Round Robin (Giffen,Farris, Fennell, Je. Fleming, Hart, Johnson, Burnham, Hull?)
Meet at 8 AM, Leave by 8:15, other info attached.
Coach Armour will drive team in van to Corunna.  Wrestling should begin at 10 AM (may be delayed due to pairing).
Coach Jeremy Bloom graduates from MSU this weekend, please congratulate next time you see him!
We're off and running, thanks for all the help last night, and see you at the mats this weekend!
Yours in Hornet Wrestling, Coach Weber

Good Morning Parents.
I was very pleased at where we are at from Saturdays scrimmage, we are looking forward to competing this week!
Here is a glance at this week:
Monday: Final Alpha weigh ins, challenge matches for varsity designation.
Tuesday - Weigh in at 5:15
Booster Meeting 6 PM to plan the ICL tournament (Dec 17), need a family rep for all wrestlers,
5:30 Team Meal at Jacob Brandon's home, all team members invited!
Wednesday - Dual at 5:30 PM.  Need two scoreboard workers.
Friday - Varsity will leave at Noon for Three Rivers, MI (Drivers: Weber, Demand, Johnson) JV Practice from 3 to 5
Saturday - Varsity @ Three Rivers Duals , JV @ Corunna Invite w/ Armour & Sattazahn?  need rides home
Have a great day!  BURN THE BOAT
Coach Weber

Bus will leave WHS in front of the flag pole at 7:30 AM.
There should be seating at Sexton, but I am not for certain.  They are going to run 3 mats in the gym and 2 mats in the practice room.
Thanks for all your support!
Coach Weber

The season is drawing closer...
We have had an outstanding start to a non-traditional start during the Thanksgiving Holiday season.
We will have practice today from 1 PM to 4:30 PM.  Please be careful and please contact me if your son needs a ride.
The scrimmage Saturday is at Lansing Sexton HS.  It begins at 9 AM and should last until about 3 PM.  Each wrestler should get about 3 matches.  The bus will leave the high school at 7:45 and wrestlers will need transportation home.  Please contact me if you will be unable to take your son home so we can prepare proper ride arrangements.
Michelle Diamond will be sending out an email regarding what is needed for the food table this weekend.  I do believe we have Gatorade left over from Mackinac.
Alpha weigh in is scheduled for Friday December 2nd.  Please ensure your wrestler is hydrated.  The boys are working hard at being at base weight much better than previous years.
We will have a booster meeting on Tuesday December 6th at 6 PM to make final plans for the ICL tournament (Dec 17).  We need all the help we can get.
Finally our first home dual is on Wednesday December 7th at 5:30 PM.   I will need 2 timers for the varsity matches and two tappers.  We will also have need for concession workers.
Enjoy the snow, must be wrestling season!
Have an awesome day, Coach Weber


Good Morning Parents!
We had the best trip of all time!  We had great meetings on goal setting and expectations for the overall program.  I am very excited for the season to begin.  Thanks to our parent chaperones for driving up to Mackinac with us.
I have attached the practice schedule for the next two weeks.  I will give a hard copy to your wrestler today at practice.
I should have the team shirt order on Wednesday to distribute.
Have an awesome day!  - Coach Weber


Dear Parents:
Sorry for yet another email from me this morning.
Coach Kevin Sattazahn led the charge to partner up with Tri-County sports to easier process for custom apparel.
The link is located on our main page ...
The password is : Williamston
I do not know when our first order deadline is setup for, I would imagine sometime to get items before Holiday Break.
Have a great day, Coach Weber


Good Morning Parents!
One week until we officially kick-off!
Boot Camp continues this week (Mon-Thurs) 3:15 to 4:45.  We had some great workouts last week and should show in the coming weeks.  Those finishing will receive BRING THE PAIN shirts.
We have a booster meeting this Wednesday November 16th at 6 PM, Brookshire Inn & Golf.  This would be great for new parents to come meet coaches and returning parents and answer any questions you may have regarding the upcoming trip, season or program in general.
The Mackinac trip will be Friday to Sunday.  Info is attached for the weekend.
Please confirm attendance by Wednesday at the meeting.  I have heard from the following people attending:
Austin, Bodie
Brandon, Jake
Davis, Thomas J.
Demand, Spencer
Diamond, Mitch
Farris, Marshall
Fennell, Jason
Giffen, Jeff
Hanysak, Hunter
Hull, Brandon
Johnson, Jordan
Maki, Mitch
Schmidt, Tyler
Drivers:  Weber - 7, Demand(Armour) - 7, Murray - 4, BJohnson 4, Sattazahn - 7, (Maki - 4, if needed)
TEAM SHIRTS -  I will open orders out to families who wish to have team shirts this year.  They will be $15 a piece.  Please get me your size requests.
I will make an initial order this Thursday, please let me know if you are interested by Thursday at 3 PM.  Black and Pink options only.
All team (HS, MS, youth) members (wrestlers, managers, coaches) get a shirt free of charge.
Google calendar should be up to date, I have added a scrimmage at Lansing Sexton on Dec 3.
It's the most wonderful time of the year, see you around the mats soon!
Yours in Hornet Wrestling, Coach Weber


Good Morning ( I intended to send this out in the morning) Parents,
We certainly have strength in numbers --- 22 kids attended yesterdays boot camp.  The energy is just bouncing off the walls at practice.
This trip is for all wrestlers grades 9-12.
I have attached Mackinac Details, please confirm with me no later than Wednesday November 16.
Please return travel waiver and pay $60 for the weekend to Coach Weber.
I do need drivers for about 30+ wrestlers.  Drivers attend Free of charge!
Current Drivers (#) Weber - 7 Demand - 7, Johnson - 4
We will also be discussing details at the booster meeting next Wednesday on November 16 at 6 PM at the Brookshire.
Look at that the sun is shining out, looks like we'll be running outside!
Coach Weber


Good Afternoon!
We had over 35 attend our general high school wrestling meeting this afternoon!  Many new faces and some returners plus the core.  An exciting year is upon us.
Plus, we have 16 participating this week at a tough Grand Ledge camp...we're putting the time in now to pay off later.
Just want send out some communication before the weekend.
Boudro campers Thurs & Fri, leave from HS at 5:15, please bring shower gear. Practice from 6-8.  We will stop for dinner Friday night.
Monday 11- 7 NO SCHOOL.  Weber & Armour Boot Camp begins at 3 PM - 4:30.  This is voluntary conditioning.
Youth wrestling (K-8) is starting Nov 29, please pass this info on to others that may be (slightly) interested.  They are the future!
I have attached the current calendar and Google Calendar is also available on the website.
Thanks for your support. Coach Weber

©Copyright 1999-2011 Williamston Wrestling Boosters

Williamston High School, 3939 Vanneter Rd., Williamston , MI 48895


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